11 Dec 2023
In the journey through this software engineering class, the focus has been on web application development. However, beyond the acquisition of specific skills in this domain, the course has delved into fundamental software engineering concepts that extend far beyond the...
Computer Science
30 Nov 2023
Navigating Code Complexity: A Practical Guide to Design Patterns In the ever-evolving landscape of software development, design patterns serve as time-tested templates for solving common problems. They encapsulate best practices, providing developers with a set of proven solutions to recurring...
Computer Science
20 Nov 2023
Throughout this semester there have been a lot of new applications introduced to me, the main application or concept being web design. Now in the beginning of the semester when we first started learning about JavaScript it was not much...
Computer Science
04 Oct 2023
Regular HTML and Bootstrap 5 are two different web development methodologies, each with its own advantages and constraints. An extensive toolbox is provided by the well-liked front-end framework Bootstrap 5 for creating responsive and attractive websites. Regular HTML, on the...
Computer Science
09 Jun 2023
It’s widely known that working smarter is better than working harder no matter what the task at hand may be. Therefore, when asking questions it is our perogative as developers to look for solutions or seek help in a sharp...
Computer Science
20 Sep 2023
Imagine one day you see that you are low on groceries so you head to the grocery store to restock your shelves, but as soon as you walk in and look around you see that the bread is mixed with...
Computer Science
30 Aug 2023
So far learning JavaScript has been pretty interesting because of all the different functionalities offered by JS. I usually work with Python or C++(mainly python), so I really didn’t like having to use parenthesis for loops and conditional statements or...
Computer Science
30 Aug 2023
When I first started learning how to program in Java, the things that we were learning and the activities in class made programming look fairly “simple”. The reason I thought it was simple was basically because of all the methods,...
Computer Science