So far learning JavaScript has been pretty interesting because of all the different functionalities offered by JS. I usually work with Python or C++(mainly python), so I really didn’t like having to use parenthesis for loops and conditional statements or having to put squiggly brackets for each code block. I found the ES6 training module to be the most interesting due to things like the arrow functions, creating and passing of a function to a variable, and the rest parameter(…args). Since python has the same kind of functionalities javascript has, it felt fairly easy to transition over to JavaScript and begin programming there, despite syntax being the most “difficult” of the change.I think that JavaScript is great for building websites, applications, or even making simple but engaging games. However, I feel like I did not get to experience JavaScript fully yet since we only spent about a week beginning to learn about JavaScript, however in time as I continue to use JavaScript or any other languages I will begin to understand where a language may prove to be more useful than another language and I’ll also be able to utilize a language to its full extent. Regarding the pedagogy of this class, I found it to be quite useful in that sense that there is an urgency to learn as much as you can in the time allotted which naturally will prepare you for the real world since our jobs may not be so lenient on time or projects. So far the practice WODs have been fairly easy, I know this will change as the semester progresses however they are useful at getting me comfortable with using JavaScript at a faster pace, since this is my first time learning this language. However, despite all I enjoyed starting to learn about JS and am looking forward to the rest of the content this course has to offer.